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Showing posts from June, 2016

Role of GREG permission-mappings.xml

 GREG has a permission-mapping.xml. We can find it at /home/chanaka/Desktop/greg/wso2greg-5.2.0/repository/conf/etc/permission-mappings.xml Each entry has three attributes. managementPermission resourcePermission resourcePaths  Ex: managementPermission="/permission/admin/manage/resources/govern/server/list" resourcePermission="" resourcePaths="/_system/governance/trunk/servers" /> There are default configurations in this file. These entries are mapping each permission in the permission tree in to resource paths and assign them permissions. With the above line in the permission-mappings.xml, an admin user who assign the permission " /permission/admin/manage/resources/govern/server/list " will be able to do get operations on registry resources stored at " /_system/governance/trunk/servers ". We can provide multiple resource paths by separating them by comas. There...