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Understanding GREG extension hierarchy

GREG is developed on to of Enterprise Store. So the GREG is married to the ES Extension model.

By default ES ships few extensions. Following are the list of extensions shipped with ES.

Following is the list of additional extensions available with GREG. Following listing have GREG extensions in the left and ES extensions shipped by default on the right hand side

GREG - Store & ES - Store

(A) - App Extensions

  1. greg-apis  
  2. greg-diff  
  3. greg-diff-api  
  4. greg_impact  
  5. greg_store 
  6. greg-store-defaults  
  7. greg_swagger  
  8. soap-viewer
9.   social-reviews
10. store-apis
11. store-common 
(B) - Asset Extensions

  1. endpoint  
  2. policy  
  3. restservice  
  4. schema  
  5. soapservice  
  6. swagger  
  7. wadl  
  8. wsdl
9.   default
10. gadget
11. site
GREG - Publisher & ES - Publisher

(C) - App Extensions

  1. greg-apis  
  2. greg-associations  
  3. greg-diff  
  4. greg-diff-api  
  5. greg_impact  
  6. greg-permissions  
  7. greg_publisher  
  8. greg-publisher-defaults  
  9. greg_swagger 
  10. soap-viewer
11. publisher-apis
12. publisher-common
 (D) - App Extensions

  1. endpoint  
  2. note  
  3. policy  
  4. restservice  
  5. schema  
  6. server  
  7. site  
  8. soapservice  
  9. swagger  
  10. wadl  
  11. wsdl
12. default
13. gadget
14. site

What is the difference between asset extensions and app extensions ?

App extensions can facilitate common functionality applicable through out each asset type.

Asset extensions defines asset type specific functionality.

Where does the common functionality to both application exists?


 What is the overriding hierarchy of the extensions? How do we define it?

When we simply create a folder in the extensions/app or extensions/asset folders it becomes an app or asset extension. But we can define which extension it overrides by including a app.js or asset.js with the following line.

app.dependencies = ['default'];

The 'default' key word is the name of the folder/extension it overrides.

For an example, (A)-5 overrides (A)-11 ("greg-store" overrides "store-common"). If we open the file "store/extensions/app/greg_store/app.js" the following line is visible in the top.


(A)-6 overrides (B)-9. "greg-store-defaults" overrides "default" asset extension. Yes, it's possible to override asset extensions from app extensions.


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